
Scientific publications, deliverables/reports and other relevant documents derived from PONDERFUL

Escoriza, D., Poch, S., Boix, D. (2024) Morphological variation of the European Pond Turtle, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus 1758), on the island of Menorca , Reptiles & Amphibians 31:1
Bas-Silvestre, M., Antón-Pardo, M., Boix, D., Gascón, S., Compte, J., Bou, J., Obrador, B., Quintana, X.D. (2024) Phytoplankton composition in Mediterranean confined coastal lagoons: testing the use of ecosystem metabolism for the quantification of community-related variables, Aquatic Sciences 86: 71
Quintana, X., Bas-Silvestre, M., Boix, D., Bou, J., Colomer, A., Compte, J., Lindoso, D., Llausàs, A., Menció, A., Ramos, S., Ribas, A., Subirah, E. (2024) Criteris ecològics i percepció social en la restauració de la Pletera, L’Atzavara 34: 59-74
Moresco, G.A., Dias, J.D., Cabrera-Lamanna, L., Baladán, C., Bizic, M., Rodrigues, L.C., Meerhoff, M. (2024) Experimental warming promotes phytoplankton species sorting towards cyanobacterial blooms and leads to potential changes in ecosystem functioning, Science of The Total Environment 924: 171621
Esposito, C., Nijman, T.P.A., Veraart, A.J., Audet, J., Levi, E., Lauridsen, T.L., Davidson, T.A. (2023) Activity and abundance of methane-oxidizing bacteria on plants in experimental lakes subjected to different nutrient and warming treatments, Aquatic Botany 185: 103610
Tornero, I., Gascón, S., Cunillera-Montcusí, D., Sala, J., Compte, J., Quintana, X.D., & Boix, D. (2024) Untangling the Roles of Centrality and Environmental Contribution in Diversity Patterns across Spatial Scales, Ecosphere 15(4): e4846
Özkan, K., Korkmaz, M., Amorim, C.A., Yılmaz, G., Koru, M., Can, Y., Pacheco, J.P., Acar, V., Çolak, M.A., Yavuz, G.C., et al. (2023) Mesocosm Design and Implementation of Two Synchronized Case Study Experiments to Determine the Impacts of Salinization and Climate Change on the Structure and Functioning of Shallow Lakes, Water 15, 2611
Arranz, I., Jeppesen, E., Brucet, S., Benejam, L., Landkildehus, F., & Sánchez-Hernández, J. (2022) Interactive Effects of Lake Morphometry and Sticklebacks on the Trophic Position of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), across Lakes in Western Greenland, LimnoFish – Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research 101-115
Çolak, M.A., Öztaş, B., Özgencil, İ.K., Soyluer, M., Korkmaz, M., Ramírez-García, A., Metin, M., Yılmaz, G., Ertuğrul, S., Tavşanoğlu, Ü.N., et al. (2022) Increased Water Abstraction and Climate Change Have Substantial Effect on Morphometry, Salinity, and Biotic Communities in Lakes: Examples from the Semi-Arid Burdur Basin (Turkey), 14, 1241
Levi, E.E., Jeppesen, E., Nejstgaard, J.C. & Davidson, T.A. (2024) High resolution chlorophyll- a in-situ fluorescence sensors versus in-vitro chlorophyll- a measurements in mesocosms with contrasting nutrient and temperature treatments, Open Res. Eur. 12(4): 69
Colina, M., Meerhoff, M., Cabrera-Lamanna, L. & Kosten, S. (2024) Experimental warming promotes CO2 uptake but hinders carbon incorporation toward higher trophic levels in cyanobacteria-dominated freshwater communities, Science of The Total Environment 920, 171029,
Gerhard, M., Koussoroplis, A.-M., Raatz, M., Pansch, C., Fey, S.B., Vajedsamiei, J., Calderó-Pascual, M., Cunillera-Montcusí, D., Juvigny-Khenafou, N.P.D., Polazzo, F., Thomas, P.K., Symons, C.C., Beklioğlu, M., Berger, S.A., Chefaoui, R.M., Ger, K.A., Langenheder, S., Nejstgaard, J.C., Ptacnik, R. & Striebel, M. (2023) Environmental variability in aquatic ecosystems: Avenues for future multifactorial experiments, Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett. 8: 247-266
Vasco, F., Perrin, J.A., & Oertli, B. (2024) Urban pondscape connecting people with nature and biodiversity in a medium-sized European city (Geneva, Switzerland), Urban Ecosystems
Boll, T., Erdoğan, Ş., Aslan Bıçkı, Ü., Filiz, N., Özen, A., Levi, E.E., Brucet, S., Jeppesen, E. & Beklioğlu, M. (2023) Fish Size Structure as an Indicator of Fish Diversity: A Study of 40 Lakes in Türkiye, Water 15, 2147
Menció, A., Madaula, E., Meredith, W., Casamitjana, X. & Quintana, X. (2023) Dataset for analyzing and modelling the eutrophication processes in groundwater-coastal lagoon systems: The La Pletera lagoons case study (NE Spain), Data in Brief 48:109197
Bartrons, M., Trochine, C., Blicharska, M., Oertli, B., Lago, M. & Brucet, S. (2024) Unlocking the potential of ponds and pondscapes as nature-based solutions for climate resilience and beyond: Hundred evidence, Journal of Environmental Management Volume 359, 120992
Ryfisch, S., Seeger, I., McDonald, H., Lago, M. & Blicharska, M. (2023) Opportunities and limitations for Nature-Based Solutions in EU policies – Assessed with a focus on ponds and pondscapes, Land Use Policy 135, 106957
Rashidi P., Patil S.D., Schipper A.M., Alkemade R. & Rosa, I. (2023) Downscaling Global Land-Use Scenario Data to the National Level: A Case Study for Belgium, Land 12(9): 1740
Kramer L., Teurlincx S., Rashleigh B., Janssen A.B.G., Janse J.H., Brauman K.A., Földesi C., van Wijk D., de Senerpont Domis L.N., Patil S., Rashidi P., Hamel P., Rising J., Mooij W.M. & Kuiper J.J. (2023) New paths for modelling freshwater nature futures, Sustainability Science
Arim M., Pinelli V., Rodríguez-Tricot L., Ortiz E., Illarze M., Fagúndez-Pachón C., & Borthagaray A.I. (2023) Chance and necessity in the assembly of plant communities: Stochasticity increases with size, isolation and diversity of temporary ponds, Journal of Ecology 00: 1– 15
Gobel N., Laufer G., González-Bergonzoni I., Soutullo A. & Matías A. (2023) Invariant and vulnerable food web components after bullfrog invasion, Biological invasions 25: 901–916
Menció A., Madaula E., Meredith W., Casamitjana X. & Quintana X.D. (2023) Nitrogen in surface aquifer – Coastal lagoons systems: Analyzing the origin of eutrophication processes, Science of the Total Environment Volume 871, 161947
Davidson T.A., Søndergaard M., Audet J., Levi E., Esposito C., & Nielsen, A. (2023) Temporary stratification promotes large greenhouse gas emissions in a shallow eutrophic lake, Biogeosciences Discuss , in review
Vo H.-T., Vrachioli M., Frick F., Sauer J., Brucet Balmana S., Benejam Vidal L., Mehner T., Lemmens P., Oertli B., Boissezon A., Beklioğlu M., DolceroccaA. & Meerhoff M. (2023) Socio-economic or environmental benefits from pondscapes? Deriving stakeholder preferences using analytic hierarchy process and compositional data analysis, Journal of Environmental Management 342, 118298
Oertli B, Decrey M., Demierre E., , Fahy J.C., Gallinelli P., Vasco F. & Ilg C. (2023) Ornamental ponds as Nature-based Solutions to implement in cities, Science of The Total Environment 888: 164300
Cunillera-Montcusí D., Bou J., Mehner T., Brucet S., Arim M. & Borthagaray A.I. (2023) The European freshwater landscape and hotspot areas of mass effects and regional connectivity, Diversity and Distributions 00:1–12.
Hernández-Carrasco D., Cunillera-Montcusí D., Antón-Pardo M., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Bas-Silvestre M., Compte J., Gascón S., Quintana X. & Boix D. (2023) Ecological restoration promotes zooplankton network complexity in Mediterranean coastal lagoons, Restoration Ecology e13920.
Borthagaray A.I., Cunillera-Montcusí D., Bou J., Tornero I., Boix D., Anton-Pardo M., Ortiz E., Mehner T., Quintana X.D., Gascón S. & Arim M. (2023) Heterogeneity in the isolation of patches may be essential for the action of metacommunity mechanisms., Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11
Borthagaray A.I., Cunillera-Montcusí D., Bou J., Biggs J. & Arim M. (2023) Pondscape or waterscape? The effect on the diversity of dispersal along different freshwater ecosystems, Hydrobiologia
Søndergaard M., Nielsen A., Johansson L.S., & Davidson, T.A. (2023) Temporarily summer stratifying lakes are common: profile data from 436 lakes in lowland Denmark, Inland Waters
Davidson T.A., Sayer C.D., Jeppesen E., Søndergaard M., Lauridsen T.L., Johansen L.S., Baker A. & Graeber D. (2023) Bimodality and alternative equilibria do not help explain long-term patterns in shallow lake chlorophyll-a., Nature Communications 14:398
Cuenca-Cambronero M., Blicharska M., Perrin J.-A., Davidson T.A., Oertli B., Lago, M., Beklioglu M., Meerhoff M., Arim M., Teixeira J., De Meester L., Biggs J., Robin J., Martin B., Greaves H.M., Sayer C.D., Lemmens Pl., Boix D., Mehner T., Bartrons M. & Brucet S. (2023) Challenges and opportunities in the use of ponds and pondscapes as Nature‑based Solutions, Hydrobiologia –
Strandberg U., Hiltunen M., Syväranta J., Levi E.E., Davidson T.A., Jeppesen E., & Brett M.T. (2022) Combined effects of eutrophication and warming on polyunsaturated fatty acids in complex phytoplankton communities: A mesocosm experiment, Science of The Total Environment 843(157001)
Cunillera-Montcusí D., Beklioğlu M., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Jeppesen E., Ptacnik R., Amorim C.A., Arnott S., Berger S.A., Brucet S., Dugan H.A., Gerhard M., Horváth Z., Langenheder S., Nejstgaard J.C., Reinikainen M., Striebel M., Urrutia-Cordero P., Vad C.F., Zadereev E. & Matias M. (2022) Freshwater salinisation: a research agenda for a saltier world, Trends in Ecology & Evolution –
Meerhoff M., Audet J., Davidson T.A., De Meester L., Hilt S., Kosten S., Liu Z., Mazzeo N., Paerl H., Scheffer M. & Jeppesen E. (2022) Feedbacks between climate change and eutrophication: revisiting the allied attack concept and how to strike back, Inland Waters –
Meerhoff M. & González-Sagrario M.A. (2021) Habitat complexity in shallow lakes and ponds: importance, threats, and potential for restoration. Hydrobiologia, pp.1-24., Hydrobiologia –
Walton R.E., Sayer C.D., Bennion H. & Axmacher J.C. (2021) Improving the pollinator pantry: Restoration and management of farmland ponds enhances the complexity of plant-pollinator networks, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment vol 320, 107611
Cunillera-Montcusí D., Boix D., Tornero I., Quintana X.D., Sala J. & Gascón S. (2021) Recovery of temporary pond alpha and beta diversity after wildfire disturbance: the role of dispersal and recolonization processes, Inland waters 11(4): 522-537
Cunillera-Montcusí D., Borthagaray A.I., Boix D., Gascón S., Sala J., Tornero I., Quintana X.D. & Arim M. (2021) Metacommunity resilience against simulated gradients of wildfire: disturbance intensity and species dispersal ability determine landscape recover capacity, Ecography 44: 1022–1034
Yılmaz G., Çolak M.A., Özgencil I.K., Metin M., Korkmaz M., Ertuğrul S., Soyluer M., Bucak T., Tavşanoğlu Ü.N, Özkan K., Akyürek Z., Beklioğlu M. & Jeppesen E. (2021) Decadal changes in size, salinity, waterbirds, and fish in lakes of the Konya Closed Basin, Turkey, associated with climate change and increasing water abstraction for agriculture, Inland Waters 11(4): 538-555
Parra G., Guerrero F., Armengol J., Brendonck L., Brucet S., Finlayson C.M., Gomes-Barbosa L., Grillas P., Jeppesen E., Ortega F., Vega R. & Zohary T. (2021) The future of temporary wetlands in drylands under global change, Inland Waters 11(4): 445-456
Søndergaard M., Davidson T.A., Lauridsen T.L., Johansen L.S. & Jeppesen E. (2021) Submerged macrophytes in Danish lakes and their relationship with environmental factors, Hydrobiologia –