Pinkhill Meadows Complex, Oxford
The pond network is situated on the floodplain of the R. Thames and demonstrates the benefits for biodiversity of floodplain pond creation as part of a river biodiversity restoration strategy. The network is a hotspot for biodiversity, and an important research site for demonstrating the value of new clean water pond creation for freshwater biodiversity. It is also a site for experimental species reintroductions of regionally and nationally rare wetland plants (e.g. Greater Water‐parsnip, Sium latifolium; Frogbit, Hydrocharis morsus‐ranae).
The Pinkhill Meadow complex lies alongside Farmoor Reservoir, the main water supply reservoir for Oxford. The ponds are not in any way physically connected to the reservoir which is a raised concrete lined basin.
‐ Several publications and reports from Freshwater Habitats Trust
‐ Pinkhill Meadow is a UK Flagship Ponds site
‐ The site is used in the UK River Restoration Centre manual as an example of Floodplain wetland mosaic creation